SYSU Academic Villa, Shenzhen Campus · Shenzhen, China


Address 地址: Next to the southeast gate of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen Campus, No.66 Gongchang Road, Guangming District, Shenzhen 深圳光明区公常路66号中山大学深圳校区东南门旁


There are discounted rate for CEECT 2024 attendees during conference, please tell sale the name of "CEECT" when making reservation. 参会者预定时报会议名称“CEECT", 在会议期间可享受协议价。

Contact Method 房间预定:0755-23263999 (黄晖翔)

Brief Introduction about Shenzhen

Shenzhen is located in the south coast of China, adjacent to Hong Kong, in the south of Guangdong Province, on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary, east of Daya Bay and Mirs Bay; West of the Pearl River estuary and Lingdingyang; The Shenzhen River connects Hong Kong to the south; It borders Dongguan and Huizhou in the north. The vast seas connect the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Shenzhen is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer, longitude 113°46 'to 114°37' east, latitude 22°27 'to 22°52' north, the easternmost point in the southeast of Nanao Street Dongchonghai Chai Kok, the northwest of Shajing Street Minzhu Village, the southwest of the southernmost point in the Pearl River mouth Neilingding Island, the northwest of Songgang Street Luotian community. 深圳位于中国南部海滨,毗邻香港,地处广东省南部,珠江口东岸,东临大亚湾和大鹏湾;西濒珠江口和伶仃洋;南边深圳河与香港相联;北部与东莞、惠州两城市接壤。辽阔海域连接南海及太平洋。深圳位于北回归线以南,东经113°46′至114°37′,北纬22°27′至22°52′,陆地最东端位于东南部南澳街道东冲海柴角,最西端位于西北部沙井街道民主村,最南端位于西南面珠江口中的内伶仃岛,最北端位于西北部松岗街道罗田社区。

Shenzhen is springlike all the year round, and adjacent to Hong Kong, it is a new city that never sleeps, and a paradise for traveling and shopping. 深圳一年四季如春,比邻香港,是一座新的不夜城,旅行购物的天堂。

Best Travel Time 最佳旅行时间

Shenzhen is suitable for all seasons, especially winter and early spring. In August and September, going to Shenzhen is also a good choice, walking on the beach in summer, swimming in the sea, adding some special flavor. 游深圳四季皆宜,尤以冬天和早春为最佳。8、9月份去深圳也是一个不错的选择,在夏日沙滩上漫步,大海里游泳,别有一番滋味。

Dress guide 穿衣指南

From May to September, it is recommended to go out with rain gear and wear short sleeves. After October, the temperature drops slightly. You can wear fleece coats. And in the coldest January, you can wear thick coats.5-9月建议出门带雨具,穿短衣短袖即可,10月以后气温略有下降,可以穿抓绒外套,最冷的1月份可以穿厚大衣。

Food 餐饮

Shenzhen is a city of immigrants and also a city of food. Shenzhen has tens of thousands of food places: high, middle and low grades of restaurants, food streets, food stalls, Chinese and Western restaurants. It has just about everything you could wish for. No matter how "picky" diners are, here they can get the greatest satisfaction. It is a real gourmet world. In addition, except traditional hotels and restaurants in Shenzhen, a variety of leisure themed restaurants such as cafes, teahouses and tea restaurants are also popular. 深圳是一座移民城市,也是一座美食城。深圳拥有上万个饮食场所,高中低各档次的酒楼、食街、大排档、中西餐厅,一应俱全,无论多么“挑剔”的食客,在这里都能得到最大的满足,是真正美食家的天下。此外,在深圳除了传统的酒店、酒楼,各种休闲主题餐厅如咖啡馆、茶馆、茶餐厅也颇受欢迎。

Scenary of Shenzhen

Must-see Scenic Spot

  • 世界之窗 Shenzhen Window of the world
    东部华侨城 Overseas Chinese Town East(OCT East)
    莲花山公园 Lianhuashan Park
    大梅沙海滨公园 Dameisha Seaside Park
    锦绣中华民俗村 Splendid Chinese Folk Village
    梧桐山 Wutong Mountain